Hi Nadja
Thank you so much for everything. You did the flowers were out of the world. I wish I could have taken them home with me. Could you please say a huge thank you to all of your florists? They are amazing! We had such a fantastic day everything was perfect! I really can’t thank you all enough. I wish we could re live the day again.
Take care S&F
Shane Connolly
Dear Nadja
I just wanted to email again and thank you both, but particularly Nadja, for the most incredible help and support throughout the planning and doing of last week's wedding in Mallorca.
Quite simply we couldn't have done it without you.
We're forever in your debt and don't know how we can repay all your work, advice and help.
Thank you seems so inadequate but me and the team send you our sincerest thanks.
I hope the urns and plinths were all waiting for you and that wasn't too difficult on Monday?
I also hope Jean Claude's plants were all easily collected and nothing had gone missing?
Please send him our thanks as well. He was a delight to deal with and all the plants were perfection.
I do hope our paths cross again and if ever you are asked to do a wedding in the UK, we will be completely willing to help in any way we can!
A big hug and kiss from London and please do stay in touch.
Shane Connolly
Liebe Nadja!
Wir möchten uns bei dir und deinem Team für die großartige, professionelle, freundliche, geduldige und im Ergebnis so wunderschöne Hilfe zu unserer Hochzeit bedanken.
Ihr habt einen ganz großen Anteil dazu beigetragen, dass dieses Fest für uns zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis wurde.
Von Herzen Danke!
Eure U&M
D & G
Hola Nadja,
Solo comentarte que la decoración que nos brindaste fue todo un super éxito!!! Este azul y blanco es maravilloso y tus grandes candelabros toda elegancia. Estoy muy contenta por tu trabajo. Haremos mas cosas con vosotros.
Abrazos y buen fin de semana
Dear Nadja, Karol and team!
Thank you for decorating our wedding so nicely such that it became a true fairytale wedding for us
All our effort and time. Is very much appreciated. We couldn´t have done it so nicely without you!
All the best,
G & R
Hi Nadja
I hope you are well. I just wanted to thank you for everything. The flowers where absolutely beautiful, you nmade everything look special. The bouquet was amazing, the tables looked lovely. I can’t thank you enough.
Kind regards
Dear Nadja,
A huge thank you for the amazing job you did with our Wedding Flowers – they looked spectacular and it was wonderful that Lily of the Valley was included in the end too – thank you! They where overwhelmingly beautiful: my bouquet and the bouquet of the Bridesmaids blew everyone away; the mens’ buttonholes looked very smart and elegant; the Church looked stunning; and Cap Rocat and the table centerpieces very classy and sophisticated. I thought everything would be good but it way exceeded expectations. I really enjoyed working with you; thank you for your time, patience , and amazing job.
All the best
D & A
Wow what a wedding!!!
The flowers on the chuppah were amazing & the chuppah was exquisite you understood everything we wanted.
The room looked lovely & how you & your team changed it from outside to inside was a real challenge.
Thank you & all so much for all your hard work it certainly paid off.
All our very best wishes
Liebe Nadja,
Nach all den schönen Gestecken, liebevollen Details und der wunderschönen Chuppa, wollten wir uns noch einmal ganz herzlich bei dir und deinem Team für den exzellenten Service bedanken! Alles wurde exakt genauso umgesetzt wie wir es uns vorgestellt hatten und hat damit ganz wesentlich zu einem unvergesslichen Wochenende beigetragen! Wir wünschen Dir noch einen entspannten Jahresausklang und verbleiben
mit lieben Grüßen, T&D
Liebe Nadja,
Von ganzen Herzen Dankeschön für die liebevolle Dekoration unsere Hochzeitsfeier. Obwohl Du erst so kurz vorher eingesprungen bist, hast Du unsere Wünsche perfekt umgesetzt und durch deine tollen Ideen zu einer wunderschönen Hochzeitsatmosphäre beigetragen. Vielen Dank auch für deine Flexibilität bzgl. Des Wetters und die „Ersatz-Manschetten-Knöpfe“
J & N
Dear Nadja & all the Ars Festum Team
We want to thank you all so much for the amazing work you all did for our wedding on July 12th.
Nadja, thank you for your patience & good advice throughout our meetings, conversations & emails.
The ArsFestum Team were very professional, efficient & creative.
We really appreciated the hard work & commitment you all showed us & for helping to make our Big Day so special.
Dearest Nadja & the Ars Festum Team
Just wanted to write to you to give our sincere thank for all your hard work in making our wedding weekend so beautiful & a dream come true!!
It was such a pleasure to work with youladies and we were thrilled with the end result!
Thank you for making our wedding the spectacular experience we wished for us & our guests.
We wish you all the very best 6 hope to see you again in Mallorca in the future!
Lots of love
A & D
Dear Ars Festum Team, Thank you for helping to make our wedding anniversary party very special. People loved the decoration and lounge the amazing candelabras and even the loos!
Always great to work with you!
Your D&A

Flowers | Furniture | Lighting